Policies & Procedures

Student Access:
Students are welcome to visit the library before and after school without a library pass. One library pass per student.  During the day, students need a library pass from 1st to 8th period including lunch periods.
Please do not send students to the library during the first or last ten minutes of the class period.  No handwritten passes are allowed. 
Teacher/Staff Access: 
The library schedule is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Teachers and staff should complete the form using the link: JEHS LRC Reservation Form. Submit your request at least two weeks in advance. In addition, please contact the head custodian, Mr. Molina, via email ([email protected]) if you need a special furniture arrangement.  Events needing a technology set-up must be submitted a request through the JEHS Technology Work Order for your event or presentation.
Supervision: Teachers are required to supervise their classes in the library. Monitoring student computer and internet use is part of teacher supervision. Please do not leave your class unattended at the library.
Substitutes: Please do not schedule a library day when you are absent. Students tend not to stay on task in the library when supervised by a substitute.  For unexpected absences, please schedule an alternate activity in the classroom. Substitutes should not send students to the library.